Special Educational Needs (SEN)
We recognise that as we are all unique, we all have strengths and weaknesses, capabilities and difficulties which we can improve and/or overcome with the support of trusted and knowledgeable family and professionals.
Inclusion is meant in the widest sense. Therefore our Inclusion policy incorporates the following aspects and areas:
- rights of children
- rights of parents/carers
- rights of students and all staff
- individuals with special educational needs and/or a disability
- those from minority ethnic groups;
- travellers and any other diverse cultural groups or other groups at risk of exclusion or social exclusion
- those with English as an additional language
- equal opportunities
The Ark Pre-School aims to:
- Ensure all children have full access to Early Years Education through the Early Years Foundation Stage.
- Ensure all children are able to develop in a caring and considerate environment where the staff and the children are all valued for their contribution to nursery life.
- Be committed to the early identification of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
- To work in partnership with parents who are fully involved in all decisions that affect their children’s care and education.
- To work with agencies and other care providers in a professional and open manner to enable individual needs to be met in a timely and purposeful way.
- To provide, within available resources, the highest possible quality support.
When young children’s learning and development is not making progress, it is crucial that early identification of the difficulties and needs of the child are identified so that families and professionals can provide support to ensure the child is included and that they continue to reach their potential.
If you have any concerns, please speak to your child’s key worker or the SENCo, Mrs Helen Coleman.
You can find our SEND policy and Local Offer by clicking the links.